Proactive Design
Nowadays coloring books are not just for kids. In a busy world, increasingly dominated by time spent in front of screens, grown ups are turning to the soothing art of coloring in.
Moreover we are driven to find our own niches, our outlets for creative expression, our best manner of amplifying our voices. There are a lot of tools at hand which help you on your way to self-discovery. Or they just calm you down and let you have some DIY art-therapy-quality-time. And these tools or objects cost money of course.
Behind almost every outside attempt / assistance to help finding your „own way of life“ there’s profit made. That’s a fact that seems obvious. But healthy to keep in mind. That’s why I made The Niche Coloring Book. And that’s also why it’s just a mock-up in 2D and not another object for „self-realization“.